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This is a web portal for Andhra Praesh Government Employees only. This can be a single platform to join all kinds of employees e.g, permanent, pensoner, temparary, contractual, outsourcing, daily wage, etc. This can also collect information regarding which issues are facing by employees. This can bring consolidated information to government in terms of representation. This can`t be takeup contraversy issues to anybody. This can communicate progress time to time.

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GOs and Circulars

This is a web portal for Andhra Praesh Government Employees only. This can be a single platform to join all kinds of employees e.g, permanent, pensoner, temparary, contractual, outsourcing, daily wage, etc. This can also collect information regarding which issues are facing by employees. This can bring consolidated information to government in terms of representation. This can`t be takeup contraversy issues to anybody. This can communicate progress time to time.

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